
When was the last time you shopped at a locally owner grocery store? Or bought Christmas presents from your neighbor’s shop on Main Street? Our economy is in shambles and the primary cause is the unchecked greed of corporations and the laws that protect them. Over 80% of the beef and poultry industry is owned by just a couple of companies with similar statistics for just about every other good and commodity we buy.

We have seen that many of our elected leaders will do nothing to stem the tide of corporate greed, as most of them are outright bought and paid for pawns for special interest groups. The corporations of this country have built an unsustainable system that is bleeding the average Utahn dry as they place the desires of their shareholders above the needs of their employees and customers. The system is so dystopian that if a corporation makes $20 billion in profit one year but $19 billion the next, the board of directors will fire the CEO, layoff thousands of workers, and raise prices. If they increase their profits from year to year, they increase executive pay, reduce product size, and raise prices. Every year it gets worse and every year our government does absolutely nothing about it.

But did you know that nearly every community in Utah has small businesses whose owners raise, process, and sell locally raised meat? Or that there are as many locals selling everything from shampoo and soap to jewelry and suits? In Congress I will lead by advocating for each of our small businesses, owned by our friends and family, putting my efforts into organizing our communities into a strong union of buyers. If we each are willing to put in just a little extra effort and spend a little extra money by sourcing our groceries and goods from our local sellers, we will cut the government middleman out of the loop and take the power pack for ourselves. No congressional representative is going to have the power to change our entire economic system alone, but a leader that is willing to be a “boots on the ground” organizer in uniting us all in this common help break this endless wheel of corporate greed and finally allow middle-America to once again succeed. Together we can accomplish this and make our economy not only the strongest in the world, but also the fairest.




Energy & Climate