Law Syndrome

As a parent of child with Down Syndrome I am passionate about all issues that affect this beautiful and wise community. Law syndrome is a term used by the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) to describe the challenges people with Down syndrome face when trying to pursue their dreams, get married, and live independently. These challenges are caused by outdated laws that can prevent people with Down syndrome and other differing abilities from pursuing careers or living independently without risking losing critical government supports like Medicaid.

The poverty rate for working-age people with disabilities is 22.3 percent higher than those without disabilities. Despite the efforts of key civil rights laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Stephen Beck Jr., Achieving a Better Life Experience Act, individuals with Down syndrome still face barriers to living as full members of their communities.

I will help to shed light on misconceptions that current federal public policy does not address. These laws affect individuals with Down syndrome as well as their families. The NDSS’ “Law Syndrome” campaign that I will fight for will give all individuals with Down syndrome, their families, the larger disability community and the general public a voice in confronting dated beliefs and further provide a platform to encourage other congressional leaders to act.

People with Down syndrome are living longer, healthier and more productive lives; attending post-secondary education programs; getting married; are obtaining gainful employment; and are also more integrated into the fabric of society than ever before. NDSS’ “Law Syndrome campaign” will break down barriers that unjustly prevent people with Down syndrome from living their American dream.

We must do better and I will not leave Congress without winning this fight.

